Environmental, Social and Governance issues are of growing importance and have become a measure for doing business. Delta’s focus on ESG is to ensure that integrated thinking and planning are embedded in our business strategy and operations. Delta continues to remain committed to making a meaningful and measurable contribution to the broader South Africa, and our immediate communities as a responsible corporate citizen.
We are establishing a baseline around the targets for disclosure and reporting purposes, which will be benchmarked against international and domestic REIT peers. Delta has completed the peer benchmarking research, which informs the development of a fit-for-purpose ESG framework and strategy. The objective is to formulate a statement to incorporate environmental, social, and governance criteria into our operating framework, to reflect our longstanding commitment to our customers, partners, shareholders, and employees and the communities in which we operate.

• Renewable fuel
• Emissions
• Energy efficiency
• Climate
• Water management
• Recycling processes
• Emergency preparedness

OECD target to reduce emissions, water and waste by 20% by 2025 Water quality and safety
Leakage detection
Usage of energy-efficient lights Unblocked emergency escape routes


• Health and safety
• Working conditions
• Employee benefits
• Diversity and inclusion
• Impact on communities

Majority of occupied buildings with safety certification
Equal pay for equal work done
Employee Wellness
Sourcing from accredited SMMEs


• Ethical standards
• Board diversity and governance
• Stakeholder engagement
• Shareholder rights
• Pay for performance

Continued compliance with King IV and JSE Listings Requirements
Annual review of Board Charter
Implemented Code of Conduct
Functioning ethics line
Entrenched governance structure
Quarterly and ad hoc engagements with stakeholders
Overseeing Group risks including cyber risks


The social and Ethics Committee constitutes a formal structure, which assists in overseeing the Code of Conduct across the Company, ensuring accountability, integrity and transparency.

King provides a principle-based framework on which a company should establish an ethical culture and good corporate citizenship. The two principles are articulated as follows:

• Principle 1.1: The Board should provide effective leadership based on an ethical foundation.
• Principle 1.3: The Board should ensure that the Company’s ethics are managed effectively.

An ethics hotline has been put in place as an effective channel for facilitating confidential reporting on instances of fraud or inappropriate or illicit behaviour by employees or business partners, and cases of misconduct across our universe (management, employees, counterparties, the community). The ethics hotline is independently administered by Deloitte. There are two channels to raise concerns, either email or telephonically and in any South African language.
Awareness campaigns have been undertaken and periodically a refresher awareness campaign is run throughout the Company. There are placards placed throughout our buildings and at all our offices.
Employees have signed a Code of Conduct policy as a sign of commitment to ethical behaviour and adhering to reporting what transgresses our Company values. The overriding principles we live by are common business principles linked to our values, loyalty, compassion, fairness, honesty, integrity and respect.
Our Company values being:

The Company values were changed as the Board felt the then existing ones were transgressed over the years, and in rebuilding the culture and brand of the Company, new behaviour needed to be learnt and new measures set. In ensuring that the whole Company understood and lived by the values, the executives embarked on a one-on-one with all employees to get personal pledges and undertakings, and instilling on each employee that they live by the values on a day-to-day basis.


Part of our mission statement to “Develop and grow people” embodies the vision of the ideal future and belief that our people are an essential driver for business growth.

Delta is committed to equipping its people with the tools and knowledge they need to make the right decisions and affording them reasonable control over how they work. The Company also strives to enhance the management of its people and talent to boost retention, develop skills and competencies through regular training and development opportunities, and create better work experiences.

The past year has been a real challenge with the effects of COVID-19 and restrictions around the country. However, our employees on the ground have been resilient in dealing with the pandemic. Emphasis was placed on the vaccination of all our client-facing workforce, rotation rosters were introduced and as a result no severe impacts were experienced during the year.

An employee satisfaction survey was also conducted during the year, which sought to establish how happy or engaged our people are; we were delighted with the overall results. It is important to mention that not only are happy employees more productive, but they also take care of our tenants. Engaged employees commit themselves to upholding their Company’s promise/values to the customers, resulting in sustainability in the business.

DPAM and DPF had a complement of 99 staff members as at year-end the majority of whom are based on site, directly interfacing with our tenants. Based on the current statistics, the Company’s objective is to progressively improve and promote from within where possible to achieve a fully equitable workforce, that is reflective of South Africa’s demographics whilst ensuring that transformation takes place in the workplace.